Pumpkin patch

DSCN2599 (2).JPG    The pumpkin patch was fairly busy with families on the hunt for the perfect pumpkin…


This is my tale of a day at the pumpkin patch, for Monday October 21st..

The day was the most perfect day for the fall weather.. We packed the family into the car and headed for the pumpkin patch.. The secret must have been out, as many families had the same idea.. The place was crowded with people, and the line up to get in was long.. We had the best time ever.. I would recommend heading out with your families in the search for the perfect pumpkin.. Have yourselves a wonderful Monday.. Till later, be kind to others..

gran driving red  lips (2).jpgMAGS… Thanks for being here…  🙂 🙂

Rain (1)

rain.jpg          A  cold rain falls…


This is my first addition to my new story for July 2nd.

Hello everyone: I trust your Monday was an enjoyable one. Ours was great, but a little on the warm side. It was nothing like Spain, and France. They are having a terrible time with the heat. It’s nice how their government has opened up the fountains for people to stand in to keep cool. We have found that keeping the windows, and curtains closed has made a big difference inside the house. We only run two fans to circulate the air…. I hope everyone checks on their older neighbors in this heat to make sure they are okay… Take care of those you love, and be safe… Till later.. Keep cool… 🙂 🙂

gran driving red  lips (2).jpgMAGS.  Thanks for being here…. 🙂 🙂